Tulipbelle Esthetics

I am a bilingual Mount Airy based solo esthetician dedicated to my kids, husband, and work. I specialize in Brazilian waxing with a dual certification, as well as full body waxing, and facials. I am always looking to improve my services and provide my clients with the best service I a can. Soy una esteticista bilingüe de Mount Airy NC, dedicada a mis hijos, esposo y a mi trabajo. Me especializo en depilación brasileña, con doble certificación, al igual depilación corporal y faciales. Siempre estoy buscando mejorar mis servicios y brindar el mejor servicio posible a mis clientes.

Business Hours

8:30 AM - 10 AM
8:30 AM - 10 AM
8:30 AM - 10 AM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM

Cancellation Policy

Tulipbelle Esthetics charges a 20% cancellation fee for any no-shows or cancelations within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify me via phone call or text at 336-710-6556 or email tulipbelleesthetics@gmail.com as soon as possible to reschedule.